Letter From New York


Autumn in New York is one of my favorite times of year. Exploring this city from the new Hotel 50 Bowery is enhancing the experience to no end. Loving the city that never sleeps from Uptown, Midtown, and all around the island of Manhattan has been fun but planting myself right in the midst of Chinatown is giving me an entirely new perspective. Instead of popping in to the district and visiting for a meal or for part of a day, I chose to immerse myself in the community and Hotel 50 Bowery did not disappoint. fosters a meaningful connection to the Chinatown community within which it resides, and Curator Herb Tam, from the nearby Museum of Chinese in America, develops the hotel’s in-house exhibition to engage guests in the neighborhood’s history. Talk about experiential travel. I am loving every minute of it. As a guest here, I am learning how the community developed and its importance to New York history and that of America overall. I am making this a shorter letter than usual because I am being drawn by the art throughout the hotel, to experience the joy of life. The hotel is owned by a company by the French name, Joie de Vivre, meaning the exuberant enjoyment of life. Need I say more? The 229-room hotel celebrates the location’s past, present, and future through design, experiences, and amenities curated to acquaint New York with the fun-loving, Joie de Vivre lifestyle. Come wander through The Gallery with me. I want to learn more about this community before taking to the streets and then I will head up to the rooftop bar called 21@50 or Goldie’s for some dim-sum-style bites with live entertainment ad get myself inspired by its opium-den theme, before checking out what’s only steps outside my hotel door. When you visit, which I know you will. Drop me a line and let me know how much you love the hotel.

再联系! (zài lián xì): Let’s stay in touch,



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