WAOW Charters


It’s 5:57 pm and the sun has just dipped below the sea, the evening sky is set ablaze by fierce refractions of light sending spectacular colours in every direction. If you turn around, the brightest stars are already faintly visible on the horizon, sections of constellations getting brighter by the second as the light quickly fades. The Water Adventure Ocean Wide (WAOW) Charters ship has just drawn anchor and begins her nightly voyage into the painted sky.

The massive wooden vessel, which looks more akin to a pirate ship than a dive boat, left its home port of Benoa seven days ago. Embarking on a twelve-day excursion which began on the island of Bali, the guests and crew of WAOW have been meandering their way West across the Java Sea towards the island of Flores. This particular itinerary entitled “West meets East” is one of many offered by WAOW, and after spending the day exploring the Island of Komodo and the waters around its northern coast, the ship adjusts its course to head south in search of colder waters, and larger marine life.




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