Singapore Swanky Retreats

I caught wind of Singapore’s coolest bar that “doesn’t exist” from a young woman in the Taipei airport. I was en route to Singapore, the Island city-state just off Malaysia’s southern coast, for a few days when she mentioned that there was a secret bar in the middle of the city that made some of the best cocktails in Asia. A secret bar that makes killer cocktails? Sounds like my kind of party. Needless to say, I was intrigued… and decided to track down this mysterious watering hole as well.
After a little research, we discover that the name of the bar is simply the address, 28 Hong Kong St, and has since become one of the most famous addresses in the bar scene worldwide. I was scheduled for a dinner at Jumbo Seafood restaurant the next night to sample my first authentic Malaysian Chili Crab; Hong Kong Street was right around the corner. Sounded like as good a place as any to cap off my meal – I usually prefer my desserts in liquid form anyway.


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