Beaver Creek Swanky Retreats

During my recent trip to this extremely exclusive ski destination, winter storm Kayla swept across the States like an avalanche, dropping over a foot of snow the night before my arrival! With the perfect conditions and heaps of fresh snow, I set out to see how this little ski village has transformed into a top-notch adrenaline haven.
Beaver Creek proper is akin to a gated community atop a hill, where all autos coming in and out have to first pass through a security gate. However, everyone from the surrounding areas easily accesses this wonderland via free buses carrying us up to the hilltop village. I glance around at everyone from toddlers to seniors with their skis, snowboards and all sorts of unique and colorful gear.
Snow blankets the Christmas-like village of art galleries, gelato shops and cafes, all surrounding a skating rink which unfortunately today is too buried with snow to enjoy. After taking a quick look around the quaint town I hurry for the lifts to get in a full day. While everyone loves skiing, we always dread lugging our gear in and out every day, especially if we’re not staying in town. But in keeping with its swanky reputation, Beaver Creek recently launched the “White Carpet Club.”


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