Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House


Out of the 12 Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House locations across the country, Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House New York is an iconic staple and flagship. The three-story restaurant boasts floor-to-ceiling windows with breathtaking views of Sixth Avenue, truly bringing midtown Manhattan to life for every diner as Radio City Music Hall’s lights shine brightly in the distance. Found in the heart of the city’s most bustling neighborhood, guests of Del Frisco’s Steakhouse in Midtown will find a secluded Napa Valley-inspired wine cellar below the dining room of this bold, contemporary American steak house. The cellar is lined with over 20,000 bottles along the four glass walls while vineyard-style terracotta tiles transport guests to wine country, even if just for the night.


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